Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A flower seen from many different perspectives.

I see a flower,


from the left,

from the right,

I see a flower,

again, from the left

from the right, I see

a flower, again, from the left

from the right, I see a flower,

again, from the left, from the right

I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right,

I see a flower,


from the left,

from the right,

I see a flower, again

from the left, from the right, I see

a flower, again, from the left

from the right

I see a flower,


From the left, from the right, I see a flower,

again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again,

from the left, from the right, I see

a flower, again, from the left, from the right,

I see a flower, again, from the left

from the right,

I see

a flower,

again, from

the left,

from the

right, I

see a

flower, again,

from the

left, from

the right

I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right, I see a flower, again, from the left, from the right,

I see a flower,


1 comment:

  1. I promise you it looks much better on the 8x11 page. But this is beautiful, too, I think.
